South Africa 南非
Customs Information 海关信息
Customs Hours 工作时间
Mon-Fri 09:00-15:00 周一至周五 09:00-15:00
Lunch 12:30-13:30 午餐时间 12:30-13:30
Sun 10:00-15:00 周日 10:00-15:00
Sat Closed 周六休息
Clearance Procedures 清关手续
Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计
Documents 1 文件:1小时
Low Value 48 低值货物:48小时
High Value 48 高值货物:48小时
Additional Information 附加说明
1 - Low Value shipments including samples should have commercial
invoice attached to the shipment.
2 - High Value shipments (>70 USD) must have original commercial
invoice with correct declared value
attached to the shipment and on InfoAXS.
3 - Harmonized Tarrif Heading HS Code* should be mentioned on high
value shipments invoices.
4 - VAT number and importer code are prefered to be mentioned on
High value shipments invoices.
5 - Customs authority will impose penalties and additional payments
on misdeclared goods, and if
consignee refuses to pay the amounts origins should bear charges
whether shipments are requested
to be destroyed or returned.
6 - Harmonized Tarrif Heading HS Code* this is to classify traded
products by names and numbers according
to the harmonized commodity description and coding system, HS code
speeds the clearance process specially
for shipments that are with unknown commodity description.
7 - Before knowing if there are any charges to destroy shipments,
the following procedure should be
completed and submitted to customs:
1). Letter from agent.
2). Letter from importer.
3). Indemnity from importer – against customs for any claims.
4). Goods to be moved to state ware house (SWH) before/within 14
day period of expiry – documentary
evidence therefore required.
8- In addition to this, customs needs:
1). Letter from both parties to state FULL reason and
2). All letters MUST be on company letter heads (originals)
reflecting original signature.
3). All supporting documentations, pertaining to each case, MUST be
4). In the case where destruction is granted, it MST be done under
customs supervision. In such instance,
the owner/importer will be responsible for ALL storage, removal,
and destruction costs.
5). No duties will be called for when goods are
abandoned/destroyed; however, this does NOT apply for
provisional payments (penalties) called for. After we submit these
documents to South African Revenue
Service (SARS) they then should advice charges to us. Please note
that (dutiable) shipments sent to
South Africa with value less or equal to R 500 (62$) will be
automatically cleared on the spot as bulk
clearance with a percentage of 20% of goods declared value. These
charges will be billed back to the
consignee and in case of refusal; the charges will be billed back
to the origin. Automatic cleared
shipment will not have a separate customs bill of entry or invoice
as it is paid in bulk for all low
value shipments. In case of free domicile service is required; the
20% amount will be added to the free
domicile service charges and will be debited to the origin without
the submission of separate official
customs receipts. For shipments 500 ZAR (65 USD) and above, there
will be Agency Fee: $22.00 and
Documentation Fee: $22.00 applied to the clearance charges.
Commodity Information 货物信息
National Tax Rate 14 国税税率 14
Low Value Limit 50 USD 低值货物最高限额 50USD
High Value Limit 0 USD 高值货物最低限额 0 USD
Non Dutiables 不纳税货物
Airline tickets, validated 有效的航空机票
Annual reports Checks, cancelled 注销支票
Checks, payroll 工资支票
Business cards 名片
Catalogs 商品目录
Checks, blanks 空白支票
Checks, cancelled 注销支票
Checks, payroll 工资支票
Checks, travellers 旅游支票
Computer printouts 电脑打印品
Documents 文件
Invoices 发票
Manuscripts 手稿
Dutiables 纳税货物
Advertising 广告
Alcohol 含酒精的饮料
Books 书
Credit cards 信用卡
Drugs, prescription 处方药
Film, photos, slides 胶卷,照片,幻灯片
Foodstuffs, non-perishable 不腐蚀的食物
Magazines 杂志
Manuals 手册
Newspaper 报纸
Parts, aircraft 飞机零件
Parts, computer 电脑零件
Parts, electronic 电器零件
Parts, machine 机器零件
Software/CD ROM 软盘 CD
Credit card blanks 空白信用卡
Diskettes(with data or blank) 空白磁盘,有数据的磁盘
Tobacco 烟草
Video tapes 录像带
Unacceptables 不可接受货物
Dangerous Goods 危险货物
Plants 植物
Life Stock 家禽
Perishable Goods 易腐败的货物