Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 

Customs Information 海关信息 

    Customs Hours 工作时间 

       Sat-Wed 08:00-14:00 周六至周三 08:00-14:00 

       Thu 08:00-13:00 周四 08:00-13:00

       Fri Closed 周五休息

Clearance Procedures 清关手续 

    Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计 

       Documents 6 文件:6小时 

       Low Value 6 低值货物:6小时 

       High Value 6 高值货物:6小时 

Additional Information 附加说明

    1 - Any Chemical/Medical/Telecommunication shipments which are sent to RUH prior getting approval for 

       this, the origin of the shipments will be fully responsible for the penalties and return charges that 

       will apply. 


    2 - Please note that for high value shipments sent to Saudi Arabia (Value above or equal to 13,000 USD), 

       the following documents should be attached to the shipment for clearance purposes: 


          1). Attested Original invoice. 


          2). Attested Certificate of Origin. (It's applied above 13000 US$ shpts) 


    3 - In addition, the consignee should be providing the clearing Entity with a copy of the commercial

       registration and an authorization letter. Failing to provide the above will cause major clearance 

       delays and may result in fines that will be automatically billed back to the origin.



Commodity Information 货物信息 

       National Tax Rate 7 国税税率 7 

       Low Value Limit 100 USD 低值货物最高限额 100USD 

       High Value Limit -1 USD 高值货物最低限额 -1USD

    Non Dutiables 不纳税货物 

       Airline tickets, validated 有效航空机票

       Annual reports 年度报告

       Checks, cancelled 注销支票

       Checks, payroll 工资支票

       Checks, cancelled 注销支票

       Checks, travellers 旅游支票

       Computer printouts 电脑打印品

       Credit cards 信用卡

       Credit card blanks 空白信用卡

       Documents 文件

       Invoices 发票

       Manuals 手册

       Manuscripts 手稿 

       Passports 护照 

    Dutiables 纳税货物 

       Advertising 广告

       Blueprints/drawings 工程图纸

       Books 书


       Immoral Pictures 不道德图片

       Catalogs 商品目录

       Diskettes(with data or blank) 空白或有数据的磁盘

       Film, photos, slides 胶卷,照片,幻灯片

       Magazines 杂志

       Newspaper 报纸

       Mobiles phone with camera (Require Invoice). 有摄像头的手机(需要发票)

       Parts, aircraft 飞机零件

       Parts, computer (Computer accessories has to have packing list matching exactly the qtty and the parts



       Parts, electronic 电器零件

       Parts, machine 机器零件

       Software/CD ROM软盘 CD 

       Video tapes 录像带 

    Unacceptables 不可接受货物 

       Pharmaceuticals: 药物

          All kinds of Chemicals are unacceptable into Jeddah. 禁止任何药物运进吉达。

          Drugs of all types, classifications, textures and labels. 任何类型,结构,品牌的药物

          Medicines without prescriptions or formulas. 没有处方或配方的药品 

       Electronics: 电器 

          All special cameras which can show the body in the nude. 所有能拍摄裸体的特殊相机

          Video boosters. 音响

          Voice changing devices. 变声设备

          TV cards / Satellite cards. ( Origin will pay the penalty, if incase it`s arrived in DHA customs ). 


          Heavy duty car stereo amplifiers. 重型车载立体声放大器

          Wireless sets ;devices like telephone wireless with high range or with inetrnet cards 


       Food and Beverage: 食物和饮料

          Pork meat, fat, bones, hair and any product with pork meat in it 猪肉,猪油,猪骨,猪毛,任何含猪肉的产品

          Religious Materials 宗教物品

          Frog meat. 青蛙肉

          All types of liquors 所有类型的液体

          All foodstuff produced or containing animal blood. 所有食物产品或含动物血的食物 

       Stationary and Documents: 文具和文件

          Plain invoices with particular foreign letterheads of any company 任何公司的带有外国文字的普通发票

          Obscene photos or images. 淫秽照片,图像 

       Tools and Machines: 工具和机器

          Tools and equipments used for producing Liquors. 生产酒的工具和设备

          All types of gambling machines or tools. 各种赌具

          All types of machines used for sexual massage. 各种用于色情按摩的工具

          All tools used for opening doors and vehicles (Theft Tools). 各种盗窃用具

          Knives with two-edged blades. 双刃刀 

          Religious Materials: 宗教物品

          The Holy Quraan. 可兰经

          All kinds of religious artifacts, materials (whether audio or visual or video) and other things depicting

             religions other than Islam. 


          Seal showing the name of the Prophet Mohamad (SLAW). 刻有先知穆罕默德名字的印章

          Models of the Holy Qa’aba. .圣卡尔巴.的模型 

       Miscellaneous: 其它

          Dogs, except dog-breeds for hunting, guarding and guiding the blind, and all these dogs need a certificate

          from the official authorities at origin legalized by the Saudi Embassy or Consulate. 


          All types of promotional items for tobacco. 所有宣传香烟的物品

          Classified empty bottles with labels showing a foreign origin, to be refilled in Saudi Arabia.


          Used or repaired vehicles wheels. 用过的或修理过的车轮

          Christmas trees. 圣诞树

          Binoculars which can be used in the dark or for taking photographs 可以在暗处使用或者可以拍照的双筒望远镜.

          Classified empty bags with trade mark labels.带有商标的分类空袋。 

          Goods having the photos or names of famous characters on them. 贴有著名演员照片或名字的商品

          Lion and tiger skins or furs .狮子和老虎的皮毛 

          Musical greeting cards. 音乐卡片

          Fake money. 假币

          Laser eyeglasses. 激光眼镜

          The star of David. 大卫王之星 

          Witch crafts / Magic ( Origin will pay the penalty, if incase it`s arrived in DHA customs 

             巫术,魔法工艺品 (如果进入沙特阿拉伯,将由发件方承担罚款)

          Immoral Pictures 不道德的图片 

    Additional Information 附加说明 

       1 - Saudi customs will destroy or re-export any shipment containing oil perfume compounds and/or Oudeh & 

          scented wood if the below procedure is not applied for these shipments. 


       2 - Origins shall pre-alert the concerned KSA station copying DXH on the day the shipment is picked up 

          providing shipment details including the full consignee details. 


       3 - KSA station will contact the consignee who in turn will obtain the necessary paperwork from the Saudi

          Ministry of Environment as required by customs.


       4 - DXH will hold such shipment(s) till further notice from the concerned KSA station. 

          DXH 将一直扣留此货物直至从相关的沙特阿拉伯站获得进一步的通知。

       5 - Once the concerned KSA station obtains all the necessary paper work from the consignee, DXH will be 

          requested to dispatch the shipment(s). 


       6 - Shipment clearance will be immediate upon shipment arrival Customs information into Saudi Arabia for 

          Mobiles with cameras, to facilitate the clearance process for these shipments Origin has to attach the

          enclosed documents : 


          For Personal Use: (1 – 2 Mobile(s)) Shipper has to provide an invoice to be attached with the shipment 

             个人用途:(1-2个手机) 发件人需提供发票,附在快件上 

          For Commercial Use : ( more than 2 Mobiles ) Shipper has to attach an original invoice stating the

             manufacturing country and a Conformity Certificate (Certificate of Origin). 


       7 - Notes: 注意 

          1). Shipments have to be sealed. 


          2). Shipments should be sent through RUH or JED directly and not through BAH/Causeway. 


          3). Any shipment that contains watches should be accompanied by a certificate of origin otherwise it will be

             seized by customs. 


2009 © DNJ