Iran 伊朗 

Customs Information 海关信息 

    Customs Hours 工作时间 

       Sat-Thu 08:30-14:00 周六至周四 08:30-14:00

       Fri Closed 周五休息

Clearance Procedures 清关手续 

    Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计 

       Documents 2 文件:2小时 

       Low Value 4 低值货物:4小时 

Additional Information 附加说明

    Please note that before sending shipments that contain computer parts, medicines, medical instruments and

       cosmetics to Iran, the shipper should make sure that the consignee has the authority to import these items.

       In case the consignee doesn't have the import permit, Aramex THR cannot clear it and the paperwork will be

       given to the consignee and if not cleared the shipment will be confiscated after 2 months. 




Commodity Information 货物信息 

       National Tax Rate 3 国税税率 3 

       Low Value Limit -1里亚尔 低值货物最高限额 -1里亚尔 

       High Value Limit -1里亚尔 高值货物最低限额 -1里亚尔

    Non Dutiables 不纳税货物 

       Airline tickets 航空机票

       Cheques, payroll 工资支票

       Manuscripts 手稿 

       Airline tickets, blank stock 空白支票

       Cheques, personal 私人支票 

       Money orders 邮政汇票

       Annual reports 年度报告

       Cheques, travellers 旅游支票

       Passports 护照

       Blank forms 表格

       Computer print-outs 电脑打印品

       Photographs 照片

       Blueprints 工程图纸

       Credit cards,blanks 空白信用卡

       Specification sheets 规范表

       Brochures 手册

       Credit cards 信用卡

       Technical drawings 技术图纸

       Business cards 名片

       Documents 文件

       X-Rays X射线

       Catalogues 商品目录

       Drawings 图画

       Invitations 邀请函

       Cheques, cancelled 注销支票

       Invoices 发票

       Cheques, cashiers 现金

       Manuals 手册 

    Unacceptables 不可接受货物 

       Acids 酸类 

       Firearms 枪械 

       Paints, haz. 油画

       Animals 动物

       Flammables 易燃物品

       Perfume, non-haz. 不含危险品的香水

       Antiques 古董 

       Furniture 家具

       Perfume haz. 香水

       Appliances 家用电器

       Furs 皮毛

       Personal effects 私人物品

       Artwork, commercial 商业艺术品

       Gases 气体

       Poisons 有毒物质

       Artwork, fine 工艺品

       Ice,blue 坚硬的冰

       Pornography 色情物品

       Batteries, haz. 电池

       Ice, wet 湿的冰

       Precious stones 贵重玉器

       Biological products, haz. 生物制品

       Infectious substances 有传染性的物质

       Radioactives 放射性物质

       Blood 血液

       Jewellery 珠宝

       Satellite Equipment 卫星设备

       Cash 现金

       Knives 刀具

       Sheet music 乐谱

       Chemicals, haz. 化学药品

       Liquids, non-haz. 液体

       Shoes 鞋

       Clothes 衣物

       Liquids, haz. 液体

       Textiles 纺织品

       Corpses 尸体

       Liquor 酒

       Toiletries, haz. 化妆品 

       Corrosives 腐蚀性物质

       Magnetzied Materials 磁性物质

       Toys 玩具

       Cosmetics 化妆品

       Metals, precious 贵重金属

       Weapons 武器

       Explosives 爆炸品

       Oxidisers 氧化剂

       Film, commercial 商业电影

       Paints, Non-haz. 不含的油画

       Mobile Phones 手机 

    Additional Information 附加说明 

       If a shipment’s weight exceeds 50 Kg, then there will be penalty charge of 200,000 IRR (22 US$) per each

          additional 50 Kg, and the shipment will be directed to the cargo area. Thus, clearance will take longer. 

          THR will be debiting back the penalty to origin. 


          长的时间完成清关。 德黑兰会将罚款单寄给发件方。

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