Singapore 新加坡


    1. Clearance / Operations Hours of Singapore Customs 新加坡海关清关操作时间 

       24 hours / 7 days a week and strictly via Formal Entry Clearance only 


    2. High Value 高价值货 

       Shipments with C.I.F value above SGD $400 will be subjected to 7% GST(Goods and Services Tax). 


    3. General Guideline for Duty/Tax Information by Local Customs 当地海关税收指南 

       1). All dutiable goods imported into or manufactured in Singapore are subjected to Customs duty and/or 

          Excise duty in accordance with the Schedule to the Singapore Customs Duties Order. The broad categories 

          of dutiable goods in Singapore are intoxicating liquors(including wine, beer, ale, stout, poeter) tobacco

          products (including cigarettes and cigars), motor vehicles and petroleum products. 


          税。在新加坡,主要有以下几类:酒类(包括葡萄酒,啤酒,啤酒,烈性黑啤酒,poeter );烟草产品(包括香烟


       2). For dutiable goods, the taxable value for GST as mentioned in point (2) is calculated based on the 

          CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value plus all duties and other charges. 



       3). In the case of dutiable goods such as liquors, tobacco, motor vehicles and petroleum products, the 

          GST together with the duties would be temporarily suspended when such goods on importation are removed 

          to a licensed warehouse registered with the Customs for storage. on importation are removed to a licensed

          warehouse registered with the Customs for storage. 



       4). Non-compliances with Customs requirement will results in an offence under the Singapore Customs Act. 

          As a general guideline, when there is no fraud or attempt to deceive or defraud duties/GST, certain 

          offences could be compounded with the payment of a fine. 



       5). Computation of duty and list of dutiable goods are available from local customs website. 



    1. Prohibited Items Entering into Singapore 禁止进入新加坡的货物 

          The following items are NOT allowed to be brought into Singapore: 以下货物禁止带入新加坡:

             Liquors and cigarettes marked with the words 'SINGAPORE DUTY NOT PAID' on the labels, cartons or packets. 

                商标、箱子或包装上带有“'SINGAPORE DUTY NOT PAID”字样的酒精和香烟 

             cigarettes with the prefix 'E' printed on the packets 包装上印有“E”为前缀的字样的香烟 

             Chewing Gum 口香糖 

             Chewing tobacco and imitation tobacco products 咀嚼香烟和香烟仿制品 

             Cigarettes lighters of pistol or revolver shape 手枪或左轮手枪形状的香烟打火机 

             Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances 控制性药品和精神药物 

             Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products 濒危野生动植物及其副产品 

             Firecrackers 爆竹,鞭炮 

             Obscene articles, publications, video tapes / disc and software 色情物品,出版物,录像带/光盘和软件 

             Reproduction of copyright publications, video tapes, VCD, CD, DVD, laser discs, records or cassettes 

                盗版的出版物,录像带,VCD光盘, CD和DVD ,光盘,唱片或盒式录音带 

             Seditious and treasonable materials 煽动性和叛国的资料

    2. Controlled or Restricted Item 控制或限制的货物 

          Animals, birds and their by-products 动物,禽鸟及其副产品 

          Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products 濒危野生动植物及其副产品 

          Meat and meat products 肉类和肉类产品 

          Fish and seafood products 鱼类和海鲜产品 

          Fruits and vegetables 水果和蔬菜 

          Arms and explosive Bullet-Proof clothing, toy guns, pistols, revolvers 


          Weapons, kris, spears, swords 武器,短剑,矛,剑 

          Films, video, video games, publications and audio records 电影,视频,视频游戏,出版物和音频记录 

          Pharmaceuticals 制药 

          Medicines Poisons 药品毒药 

          Telecommunication and Radio Communucations equipment, toy walkie-talkie 电信和广播通讯设备,玩具步话机

    3. Special Approval for Certain Commodities 特定商品的特殊许可 

       Import of all Live Animals, example cat, dog, fish, bird is subject to import control by the Agri-Food 

       and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA). Import as such would need AVA License and to be apply 

       through the local AVA office. 



       Address: Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore 5 Maxwell Road, #02/03-00 Tower Block MND 

             Complex, Singapore 069110 

       Tel: 65-62221211

       Import of all medicine/medical/pharmaceutical/cosmetics products will requires approval of Health 

       Sciences Authority (H S A). 


       Address: Health Sciences Authority (Pharmaceuticals) Health Sciences Authority (Medicines Poisons) Centre 

       for Pharmaceutical Administration 11 Outram Road 2 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 169547 Singapore 169078 

       Tel: 65-63255609 Tel: 1800-2130800

       All audio items -- video tapes, VCD, DVD, Laser Discs, records, cassettes will have to undergo checking 

       and approval by Board of Films and Censorship Singapore (BFC) or Controlled Undesirable Products (CUP)


       所有音频物品--录像带, VCD光盘,DVD,镭射影碟,唱片,盒式录音带将接受检查并相应地得到新加坡电影审查


       Address: Media Development Authority 45 Maxwell Road, #07-11/12, URA Centre East Wing Singapore 069118 

       Tel: 65-63722800

       Import of Arms, weapons or items of the same nature example swords, spears would have to be apply through

       Singapore Police Force. 


       Address: Singapore Police Force Licensing Division 391 New Bridge Road, #02-701, Police Cantonment 

       Complex Singapore 088762 

       Tel: 65-68350000

       Import of Telecommunication and Radio communication equipment would have to be apply through The Infocomm

       Development Authority of Singapore 


       Address: The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore 8 Temasek Boulevard #14-00, Suntec Tower Three

       Singapore 038988 

       Tel: 65-62110888

    4. Dangerous Goods (DG) 危险品(DG) 

       Articles or substances which are capable of posing risk to health, safety, property and environment. 


       All DG must comply to IATA Regulations under the following category: 


          Classified 分类 

          Documented 记录 

          Certified 认证 

          Described 描述 

          Packaged 包装 

          Marked 标记 

          Labeled 标签

       DG is classified into 9 Classes: 危险品分为九类: 

          Class 1: Explosives 第1类: 爆炸物 

          Class 2: Gases 第2类:气体 

          Class 3: Flammable Liquids 第3类:易燃液体 

          Class 4: Flammable Solids 第4类:易燃固体 

          Class 5: Oxiding Substances & Organic Peroxide 第5类:氧化物质和有机过氧化物 

          Class 6: Toxic & Infectious Substances 第6类:毒性及感染性物质 

          Class 7: Radioactive Materials 第7类:放射性材料 

          Class 8: Causticity 第8类:腐蚀性 

          Class 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods 第9类:杂项危险品

       Some examples of Dangerous Goods includes: 一些危险物品的范例包括: 

          Hair Sprays 发胶 

          Perfumes 香水 

          Dry Ice 干冰 

          Petroleum products 石油产品 

          Dry cells / batteries 干细胞/电池 

          (For more information and list of DG, this is available from IATA Book) 


       DG must be completed with the standard labeling and documentations before any movements, examples as below: 


          Hazard Labels 危险标签 

          Handling Labels 处理标签 

          Shipper Declaration 发货人声明 

          Consignment Note 货物说明 

          Invoice 发票 

          MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) MSDS(材料安全数据表)

    5. Size, Weight, Value Restriction 大小,重量,价值限制 

       None 无


    1. Delivery coverage/Service Areas 派送/服务区域 

       A) Morning (AM) Delivery 早上派送 

          Hand delivery to all parts of Singapore 新加坡各部均可派送 

       B) Afternoon (PM) Delivery B)下午派送 

          Hand delivery to all parts of Singapore with the exception of the following areas: 除以下区域外均可派送:

             Jurong Islan Once in a day in the morning only for pick-up and delivery Jurong Island : 


             Sentosa Island Once in a day in the morning only for pick-up and delivery Sentosa Island : 


    2. No service to the following areas in Singapore: 以下地区不在服务范围内:

          Pulau Tekong 

          Pulau Ubin 

          Kusu Island 

          Bukum Island 

          St John Island

    All proof of delivery will be input and available on the same day of delivery. 


    All hardcopy of proof of delivery will be available 24-48 hours after delivery. 


2009 © DNJ