Pakistan 巴基斯坦 

Customs Information 海关信息 

    Customs Hours 工作时间 

       Sat-Mon 08:00 – 16:00 周六至周一08:00-16:00 

Clearance Procedures 清关手续 

    Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计 

       Documents 4 文件:4小时 

       Low Value 24 低值货物:24小时 

       High Value 48 高值货物:48小时

Additional Information 附加说明 

    1- Dutiable shipments with customs duty less or equal to 32 $ will be automatically cleared on the same 

       day of arrival, and in case the consignee refuses to pay, the charges will be automatically billed to 

       the origin entity. 



    2- The customs duties for dutiable shipments are a combination of: customs charge (0%-25% depending on 

       the commodity, 15% sales tax, 5% income tax) in addition to service fees, demurrage charges, and stamps. 



    3- Required papers for low values are an invoice and a HAWB copy, if the invoice is not attached to the 

       shipment, then it will be detained and cleared under the high value procedure. 



    4- Required papers for high values are an invoice, HAWB copy in addition to copies of N.T.N (national 

       tax number), Sales Tax Registration and Current Sales Tax Return (to be provided by the consignee). 



    5- Please note that non document (commercial or personal) shipments cleared or held in customs are almost 

       impossible to return in case of a misroute or an origin request due to the strict import regulations into 

       Pakistan, and if can be done, it will suffer severe delays in addition to many penalties depending on the 




Commodity Information 货物信息 

       National Tax Rate 15 国税税率 15 

       Low Value Limit 150 USD 低值货物最高限额 150USD 

       High Value Limit -1 USD 高值货物最低限额 -1USD

    Non Dutiables 不纳税货物 

       Airline tickets, validated 有效的航空机票

       Annual reports 年度报告

       Checks, cancelled 注销支票

       Checks, payroll 工资支票

       Documents 文件

       Invoices 发票

       Manuscripts 手稿

       Newspaper 报纸 

    Dutiables 纳税货物 

       Advertising 广告

       Blueprints/drawings 工程图纸 

       Brochures 小册子

       Business cards 名片 

       Catalogs 商品目录 

       Checks, blanks 空白支票

       Checks, payroll 工资支票 

       Checks, travellers 旅游支票 

       Computer printouts 电脑打印品 

       Credit cards 信用卡

       Credit card blanks 空白信用卡

       Film, photos, slides 胶卷,照片,幻灯片 

       Foodstuffs, non-perishable 不腐蚀的食物 

       Magazines 杂志

       Manuals 手册 

       Parts, aircraft 飞机零件 

       Parts, computer 电脑零件 

       Parts, electronic 电器零件 

       Parts, machine 机器零件 

       Software/CD ROM 软盘 CD 

       Tobacco 烟草

       Diskettes(with data or blank) 空白磁盘,有数据的磁盘 

       Video tapes 录像带 

    Unacceptables 不可接受货物 

       Translation of Holy Quran without Arabic text 非阿拉伯文体的可兰经的翻译作品

       Anti Islamic materials 反伊斯兰教的物品

       Chemicals, pressured gases 化学药品,压缩气体

       Vetches, cannabis leaves, cocoa leaves, poppy straw, opium 巢菜,大麻叶,可可 叶,罂粟叶,鸦片

       Tires: retreated, pneumatic ,翻新轮胎,充气的轮胎 

       Gambling equipment 赌具

       Alcohol 含酒精的饮料 

       Drugs, prescription 处方药

       Passports 护照

       Fabrics 纺织品 

       Clothing (of asbestos) 石棉衣

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