India 印度 


1. 所有化学物品和药品类货物都归为高值货物清关。

2. 所有化学物品和药品类货物都必须获得Additional Drug Council (ADC)的许可证书,


3. 进口化学物品类货物海关要求收件人提供鉴定许可证(test license),进口药品类

    货物海关要求收件人提供药品许可证(drug license)。

4. 清关如果延误,每天每票货物将会产生1USD的罚金,从开始清关的第八天计延误天数。

Customs Information 海关信息 

    Customs Hours 工作时间 

       Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30 周一至周五 09:00-17:30

       Every second Saturday of the month is a holiday. 每月的第二个周六休假

       Sunday: Off. 周日休息 

Clearance Procedures 清关手续 

    Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计 

       Documents 2 文件:2小时 

       Low Value 4 低值货物:4小时 

       High Value 48 高值货物:48小时 

Additional Information 附加说明

    Clearance of all Samples, Gifts and Packages are undertaken by customs during the normal working hours 

    i.e. between 1030 hours to 1700 hours only. 


    Shipments must be accompanied by a 'printed' Commercial Invoice that should declare the Actual Market 

    Value of the Goods. Customs reserve the right to adjudicate correct market values and Duty would be levied 

    on such re-assessed 'fair value'. 



    It is in the interest of the Shipper and the Consignee to declare the correct value of the goods. Values

    declared for customs purposes only, values wrongly declared, etc. would result in shipments being detained

    and the consignee being asked to produce Catalogues, Technical write-ups or Manufacturer's Price Lists, 

    which would result in clearance delays. 



    Every package is opened and examined by customs. Shipments may be required to be detained at customs for

    further paperwork or valuation purposes. 


    Shipments that are detained are submitted to the Express Industry Council Warehouse, which is a customs

    bonded warehouse, and a Detention Note is issued for each detained shipment. 


    All kinds of tapes will be considered as high value shipments and will be detained in customs for 

    valuation and will be cleared after investigation by the DRI (directorate revenue intelligence). 


Commodity Information 货物信息 

       National Tax Rate 12.36 国税税率12.36 

       Low Value Limit 9999卢比 低值货物最高限额 9999卢比 

       High Value Limit 10000卢比 高值货物最低限额 10000卢比 

    Non Dutiables 不纳税货物 

       Airline tickets, validated 有效的航空机票 

       Checks, blanks 空白支票 

       Checks, cancelled 注销支票 

       Checks, payroll 工资支票

       Computer printouts 电脑打印品 

       Credit cards 信用卡

       Documents 文件 

       Manuscripts 手稿

    Dutiables 纳税货物

       Advertising 广告 

       Annual reports 年度报告

       Blueprints/drawings 工程图纸

       Books 书

       Brochures 小册子

       Catalogs 商品目录

       Film, photos, slides 胶卷,照片,幻灯片

       Invoices 发票

       Magazines 杂志

       Manuals 手册 

       Newspaper 报纸

       Parts, aircraft 飞机零件 

       Parts, computer 电脑零件 

       Parts, electronic 电器零件 

       Parts, machine 机器零件 

       Software/CD ROM 软盘 CD 

       Video tapes 录像带 

       Credit card blanks 空白信用卡 

       Diskettes(with data or blank) 空白磁盘,有数据的磁盘 

       Video tapes 录像带

    Unacceptables 不可接受货物 

       Passports 护照

       Tobacco 烟草

       Pornographic and Obscene materials 色情物品

       Maps and Literature where Indian External Boundaries have been shown incorrectly. 


       Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic substances 麻醉药和治疗精神病的药

       Counterfeit goods and goods violating any of the legally enforceable intellectual property right, in

          particular the following: 


          a) Spurious, misbranded drugs and cosmetics 假冒的或者带伪标的药物和化妆品 

          b) Goods bearing fake trade marks, the copyright of which belongs to someone else. 


       Wild life products 野生动物产品

       Antiques and art treasures 古董和工艺品

       Adulterated and misbranded foods and edibles 掺假的和贴错标记的食物

       Alcohol 含酒精饮料

       Checks, travellers 旅游支票

       Drugs, prescription 处方药

       Foodstuffs, non-perishable 不易腐败的食物

       BETA Tapes 盒式磁带

       Restricted items: 受限制的物品

       Telephone and telephony equipment of restricted frequencies 电话和有限制频率的调频式载波电话

       Arms & ammunition 武器

       Certain plants and their products 特定之物及相关产品

       Medicines and drugs 药物和毒品

       Foreign currencies 外币

       Cut flowers, fruits and vegetables weighing 2 kg and above 2公斤或2公斤以上的鲜花,水果和蔬菜

       Domestic pets, animals, and birds. 宠物,动物,和鸟

       Chemical (organic /inorganic) 无机化学药品 

       Chemical (organic) 有机化学药品 

       Chemical products and miscellaneous 化学产品 

       Commercial goods (in Baggage) 行李装的商务产品 

    Additional Information 附加说明

       Please note that all the above items are firmly restricted to import into India and will be destroyed at 

       the time of arrival; otherwise, the concerned courier company will be penalized. 


       HUMAN ASHES – REQUIRED PPWKS (G.E. 107, SR NO 405, NTFN NO 21/2002, LIST 88) If the deceased person's

       certificate of goods ownership is produced at the time of goods clearance through the customs station. 


2009 © DNJ