Australia 澳大利亚
Customs Information 海关信息
Customs Hours 工作时间
Mon-Fri 07:00-17:00 周一至周五 07:00-17:00
Sat & Sun Closed 周六和周日休息
Clearance Procedures 清关手续
Approximate Clearance Time(Hrs) 清关时间估计
Documents 3 文件:3小时
Low Value 3 低值货物:3小时
High Value 24 高值货物:24小时
Additional Information 附加说明
1 MAWB Clearance Charges: 主单清关费用包括:
As of June 7th all DIRECT MAWBs (not going through a network hub) into Australia origin would be charged
USD 100.00 per MAWB Clearance Fee which includes:
1). International Document Fee. 国际文件费用
2). International Terminal Fee. 国际终点站费用
3). Handling Charge. 手续费用
2 Shipment Clearance Charges: 货物清关费用
1). High Value Shipments of value over AUD 250.00 or the shipments Duty & Tax greater than AUD 50.00
would be charged the following:
a. Customs Clearance & Entry Fee AUD 33.89 An automactic charge for formal entry by customs
报关费用 33.89澳元 由海关收取正式报关货物的费用
b. Brokerage Fee AUD 82.5 A charge for formal clearance by customs broker
报关员佣金 82.5 澳元 报关员正式报关所收取的费用
c. Duty % of value of goods based on commodity
d. GST 10% of the value of goods + duty
消费税,10% 的货物价值+关税
2). Quarantine Commodity Shipments would be have the additional charges:
a. Quarantine Inspection AUD 85.00 检疫费用 85澳元
b. Quarantine Processing AUD 30.00 检疫处理 30澳元
c. Storage AUD 25.00 min + $0.20 per kg 储存费用 25澳元+每公斤0.2美元
3. Warranty Return Shipments must be declared clearly on the manifest for customs as for those
shipment neither duty nor GST is paid against the shipment.
Those shipment charges will be billed to consignee, and if consignee refused then they will be charged
to shipper/origin. An example to clear the above:
If you send clothing valued at AUD 200 this is lower than the high level value, however customs will
calculate the duty and see if it is more that AUD 50.00, Duty for clothing is 25%,GST is always 10% of
value of goods + duty amount 10 % of AUD 250 = AUD 25.00
(25%×200 澳元=50澳元),消费税是货物价值×10% + 关税,10%×250澳元=25澳元
Commodity Information 货物信息
National Tax Rate -1 国税税率 -1
Low Value Limit 1000 USD 低值货物最高限额 1000USD
High Value Limit -1 USD 高值货物最低限额 -1USD
Non Dutiables 不纳税货物
Airline tickets, validated 有效的航空机票
Checks, blanks 空白支票
Checks, cancelled 注销支票
Checks, payroll 工资支票
Checks, travellers 旅游支票
Computer printouts 电脑打印品
Credit cards 信用卡
Credit card blanks 空白信用卡
Documents 文件
Invoices 发票
Magazines 杂志
Manuscripts 手稿
Dutiables 纳税货物
Alcohol 含酒精类饮料
Books 书
Brochures 小册子
Business cards 名片
Diskettes(with data or blank) 空白或有数据的磁盘
Film, photos, slides 胶卷,照片,幻灯片
Manuals 手册
Parts, aircraft 飞机零件
Parts, computer 电脑零件
Parts, electronic 电器零件
Parts, machine 机器零件
Software/CD ROM 软盘 CD
Video tapes 录像带
Newspaper 报纸
Passports 护照
Catalogs 商品目录
And all other goods. 其他类似物品
Unacceptables 不可接受货物
Acids 酸类
Drugs, prescription 处方药
Oxidisers Alcoholic beverages 酒
Explosives 爆炸品
Paints, non-haz. 不含的油画
Animals 动物
Firearms 枪械
Paints, haz. 油画
Artwork, fine 艺术品
Flammables 易燃物
Perfume, haz. 香水
Batteries, haz. 电池
Personal effects 私人物品
Biological products, non-haz. 生物制品
Food (5) 食物
Plants (5) 植物
Furs 皮毛
Poisons 有毒物质
Blood 血液
Gambling devices 赌具
Pornography 淫秽物品
Cash 现金
Gases 气体
Precious metals 贵重金属
Chemicals, non-haz. 非危险化学品
Ice, dry 干的冰块
Precious stones 贵重的石器
Corpses 尸体
Infectious substances 有传染性的物质
Radioactives 有放射性的物质
Corrosives 有腐蚀性的物质
Ivory 象牙
Seeds 种子
Cosmetics, haz. 化妆品
Jewellery 珠宝
Soil 土壤
Dangerous goods 危险物品
Knives 刀具
Tobacco 烟草
Liquids, haz. 液体
Liquor 酒
Weapons 武器
Magnetized materials 有磁性的物品
Foodstuffs 食物
Additional Information 附加说明
Australian Quarantine and Customs strictly adhere to guidelines. For a comprehensive list of prohibited
and restricted items, please visit . When sending Personal Effects, please
ensure that the senders / receivers passports are attached as well as the "Unaccompanied Personal Effects
Statement located at . This is very important as it
will speed the clearance process.
澳大利亚的海关检疫程序严格遵守规定。关于禁运和限制物品的详情请参考网站 。运送
表格请从 下载。这些文件很重要,可以加快清关的速度。